Thursday, November 26, 2009

~Giving Thanks on this Special Day~

Although every day should be "thanksgiving," today is the official Holiday.  The reason I say that. is because I don't think we give enough praise to the things we have & are thankful for.  I'm guilty of it, I definitely take the "small stuff" for granted. 

I want to give a BIG thanks to my wonderful family!! Without them, I wouldn't have anything.  I don't say it often enough, but I truly am grateful for both of my parents & my siblings, including my nephew!!  They have always been there for me, even when I was a snotty teenager, trying to do the opposite of everything I had been taught.  Sorry, Mom! :) 

I am thankful for my dearest friends, the ones who are *always* there for me, when others have not been. You know who you are & I am grateful for you. I am thankful for my job, I know a lot of people are being laid off & some just don't have work.  I am grateful to have a secure, steady job & I know that I am appreciated there (more than I know if that makes sense..haha! I don't give myself enough credit for my work, I've been told)  I am thankful for the house I live in (thanks Mom & Dad, one day I will move out...again!), the shoes on my feet, the hair on my head, the warm clothes I have, my car that gets me to where I'm going, without a fit.  There are SO many more things that I am grateful for, if I listed them all, you'd be reading all day! 

Since this is my "HCG" site....I also need to give thanks to Hcg, without it I would still be unhappy & miserable in my own skin.  I am truly grateful for my Auntie Connie, who shared this little secret with us & for helping us in every way possible.  I am also thankful for my Hcg friends, I've met some wonderful people on the online postings &  they have always been there to help & reassure ANYONE who need its!  Thank you girls!! ANd guys!!! Without you, I probably wouldn't have made it this far!!! And for once in my life, I'm kind of excited to start another round in January! I really feel the VLCD helps you think about what you're putting into your mouth & I feel better doing it!! This next time I will definitely try even harder than I did on the first round!! I WILL be skinny!!! :)

Thank you again for reading my posts, sometimes they may bore...but I try to keep them funny & non-boring!! :) Have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving, filled with Family, Friends, good (healthy) Food & Fun!! Be safe if you're traveling!!!

<3 xOxO


  1. Happy Thanksgiving and I really liked your post for this special holiday! Thank you also, Stephanie for you comment and I think you are awesome too!!! :)

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I'm thankful for the birthday card you sent me:) I'm thankful we share the same birthday.
    I'm thankful we have another birthday 10 months from today, cuz i'm actually going to send you one this time;)
    I'm thankful you took the time to send it. You have a very kind heart.
    I'm thankful that next year i'll be in utah again. we shall celebrate together. don't make plans:) jk.

  4. I am very thankful to have you at home. I will miss you when you move, but hopefully it won't be for long while. Thanks for the ideas of food that we can eat and doing some of the cooking, too.
